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I can't believe I spent the whole day writing. Don't get me wrong, I love writing. It just reminds me of all the papers/portfolios I have due in about a month and a half. Since I'm taking five English classes (two of which are Creative Writing courses) all at the same time, I need to come up with three research/term papers, and two portfolios by December. In reality, I'm panicking. Very much.

Today is my best friend's, Pael's, eighteenth birthday.
I can't believe I'm not there to see him "grow up."
This is the last picture I have of us together,
before I "cleaned out my room." :(

I love you.

Can't wait to see you next year! :)
Yes, we will go shopping.

Oooohhh! I'm doing a series of seven-word stories for my ENGL 191-01 course that's due on Wednesday, a modified version of a series based on Ernest Hemingway's six-word story: "For sale: Baby shoes. Never worn." I'm going to share seven of them:

Her laugh resonates from across the world.
Pharmacist: Sleeping Beauty bought bagful of pills.
Spin lies and bend truth, write now.
The grounds burn as leaves fall down.
The snow-globe is far from perfect.
A thousand days later, I'm still here.
Polaroid cameras capture Vanity frozen in light.



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