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Ringo Starr

and I just got off work. Yes, I worked on Christmas' Eve (8:30am-2:00pm). It's not so bad, really. I mean, time flew by pretty quickly because there was always someone in line.

Today is a gorgeous day out. The sun is just shining brightly, and while I would like some snow, I'm rather thankful the weather's pretty good compared to last year in which some people were snowed in.

My youngest sister, Pia, and I just finished watching Memento. What, you don't know that movie? You haven't seen it? Drop everything and rent it NOW.

Tip: Do not blink, you may very well miss something.

This Christmas, I forgot to make a wish list. For some reason, the days just seemed to blur into each other, making me forget what date it was. I can't believe it's only a matter of months before I'm on a plane to the Philippines. Aaaahhh! I can't wait. I can't wait to see my friends and relatives there!

I have time right now, but I don't feel like writing my wish list. My being a procrastinator is seeping through even in my list-making! Knowing me, I'd be coming up with that list tonight. And I know it's unlikely that I would get those things for Christmas, but what the heck, I like making lists! :)

Wear cozy jackets and hug each other!


The Comeback Queen.

For a writer, I kind of suck. I remember those days when I used to blog almost everyday, or at least every week. See, as I've mentioned before, I'm a big fan of journals (even virtual ones); I like recording even the most mundane stuff of my day. But now, I can't seem to make time to write, which makes me sad and disappointed at myself.

On to brighter news, I got my final grades today! I've always liked school, so that played a huge part in me getting good grades from the beginning. Admittedly, my grades slipped when I entered high school, but I managed to pull them up. Now, I'm not a grade grubber or anything, but there's just something about seeing this:

that makes me squeal for joy :) Straight A's! What really makes me happy is that I got them in English, which I love. But really, I live by these words:

I cannot wait for the Spring semester! I will be taking three English courses, two of which are related to Children's Literature (eeeeeeeee!!!), a lab in Environmental Biology, and an Introduction to Psychology. There's just something fascinating about the human mind that I'm really interested in. Must prepare for the huge amounts of readings...

Speaking of reading, I went (alittlebit) crazy the other day book shopping at Chapters :) I bought an illustrated version of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, a heavy-as-a-hippo The Collected Works of C.L. Dodgson, a Beatles book for Papa (and me), the compiled The Chronicles of Narnia (because I've been wanting to read this for a looong time), and this YA novel by Laura Whitcomb entitled A Certain Slant of Light (because it had such a good review here).

I swore to read as much as I could this Christmas break, but I've been working for the past few days and haven't had the chance to dive into any of these yet. Lots of books to read, so little time :( Currently, I am reading Audrey Niffenegger's new novel, Her Fearful Symmetry. Isn't that a beautiful title? I think it was derived from William Blake's poem "Tyger, Tyger." (You know, "Tyger, Tyger, burning bright..."?)

See, I have this habit of starting a book, and then not finishing it. Not because the book is terrible, but because I suddenly find myself with another book that I've been meaning to read; and so I do. And then I put it down for a while, and then a-ha! A new book! Read read read. So yeah, I have a bunch of half-read books just waiting for me. (Which makes me happy.)

Another thing that makes me happy? CHRISTMAS! More on that later :)

This has gotten too long! But I guess that means I'm getting back into the blogging world, huh?


I find it annoying seeing "I" all over the place. I know it can't be helped, but it just bothers me; I feel like I'm being so vain, talking about me me me me me!


November 11, 2009
Outside the Buschlen Mowatt Gallery in Vancouver with my sister, Ayla ♥
{She's older, but I'm taller. See how I'm slouching to match her height?}
We went there to see the Fallen Princesses exhibit by
Dina Goldstein.
Had to wait for about half an hour before we
got in the actual gallery.

Love love.


Happy Halloween everyone :)
Got lots of candies from trick or treating!
Nom nom nom nom...

Watching this video makes me tired as I did making it :))

Scared Shirtless.

Halloween in two days! I can't wait :) As a pre-Halloween treat, here are some movies I think will be perfect for a movie marathon with friends. Have fun scaring the hell out of each other!

Thailand, 2004
This is one of the scariest films I've seen ever.
The English version has nothing over this.
Recommended for: photographers

Feng Shui
Philippines, 2004
Yes, this movie scared the s--- out of me :(
Especially because we had a bagwa at home when this movie came out.
Recommended for: everyone

Låt den rätte komma in
(Let the Right One In)
Sweden, 2008
Oskar is a 12-year-old boy, bullied in school.
Eli is a 200-year-old vampire child.
The title comes from the aspect of vampire folk lore
that vampires cannot enter a house uninvited.
Nothing (besides the vampire part) like Twilight.
Recommended for: everyone

The Others
USA, 2001
This movie haunted me for a looong time.
I mean, seriously.
Photographs of dead people taken as if they're sleeping;
darker than darkness house;
old lady in a wedding dress with a little girl's voice;
Recommended for: people who live in huge houses

♥ ♥ ♥

I have more scary movies for this list, I just can't think of them right now.
But these should be enough for now.
More on Halloween! :)

How are your costumes coming along? :)

I can't believe I spent the whole day writing. Don't get me wrong, I love writing. It just reminds me of all the papers/portfolios I have due in about a month and a half. Since I'm taking five English classes (two of which are Creative Writing courses) all at the same time, I need to come up with three research/term papers, and two portfolios by December. In reality, I'm panicking. Very much.

Today is my best friend's, Pael's, eighteenth birthday.
I can't believe I'm not there to see him "grow up."
This is the last picture I have of us together,
before I "cleaned out my room." :(

I love you.

Can't wait to see you next year! :)
Yes, we will go shopping.

Oooohhh! I'm doing a series of seven-word stories for my ENGL 191-01 course that's due on Wednesday, a modified version of a series based on Ernest Hemingway's six-word story: "For sale: Baby shoes. Never worn." I'm going to share seven of them:

Her laugh resonates from across the world.
Pharmacist: Sleeping Beauty bought bagful of pills.
Spin lies and bend truth, write now.
The grounds burn as leaves fall down.
The snow-globe is far from perfect.
A thousand days later, I'm still here.
Polaroid cameras capture Vanity frozen in light.


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